Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hop, skip and a jump...

Hello Friends! Happy Spring! I hope you are all enjoying the turning of the world as much as I am! I forget how much I miss the smell of flowers during the Winter that when Spring finally comes it feels better than ever it did!

Today, I filled my entire house with flowers.
And did some Spring cleaning. 
I took this the day after Christmas so you could see the chaotic destruction my house was in! The only thing omitted from this scene was a gigantic Christmas cactus that needed quite a hair cut and had no place to sit except right in the middle of the floor!

Everything looks and smells clean and fresh!

Do you approve of my newly established dining parlour?
I got a rolling pin for Christmas! Something I've been dreaming to have!

I hope this has been enjoyable for you as it certainly has for me.
I would LOVE to know what you've been occupying yourself with of late.
Please tell!

All my Love,

ps So sorry about the coloring on the photos. I have just looked into it and I think it will be fixed after this. Yay!

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